You can also use correlative conjunctions to combine two phrases or clauses. The use of 'ing' in the word 'swimming' does not match the other verb forms in the sentence. Parallel structure can be defined as the repetition of the same grammatical structures within a sentence to create equal grammatical value. Not only should the words and phrases match in structure but in tense as well. Its a grammatical construction carrying two or more clauses, phrases or words, with a similar grammatical form and length. With parallel structure, increased comprehension comes from an increase in readability. 3. Use parallel structure to improve scannability so people quickly understand key points. 1. Parallel: Her company and its potential are irrelevant to me. This list is an example of parallel construction where each sentence begins with plural nouns. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our terms and conditions of fair use. Oops! These techniques are what make this quote a great example of parallel structure. It also highlights or emphasizes certain points. Parallel structure means that coordinate parts of a sentence, such as items in a series or list, have the same grammatical form. The wheels wheeled, the chairs spun, the cotton candy tinted the faces of children, the bright leaves tinted the woods and hills. How to use parallel structure in a sentence? Consider the effect of parallel structure on a piece of writing, Create parallel structure within sentences and lists, Practice using parallel structure and correcting related grammatical errors. Parallel structure in English refers to the use of similar grammar constructions within a sentence or clause. This material may not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. While theorists have supported the notion that instruction embedded in sensory-filled, brain-based and hands-on activities, classrooms remain unchanged in many, if not most interactions. Parallel: Ben wants not only fame but also money. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. The examples below mix tenses. Parallel: Taylor criticizes public schools as they require students to attend, receive money from the government, and destroy students humanity. In the example from the table, you can see the shift from a gerund to an infinitive verb form. Reading aloud is an effective strategy to identify any errors that may exist with your parallel structure. If you can't run, then walk. Keep in mind that any parallel structure error committed can make you sound strange to audiences. Thank you! ', 'Louise will be swimming, then bike, and run this weekend in her triathlon. Parallel: To succeed is to get new opportunities. Not Parallel: My shopping list for the party includes: balloons, dessert, streamers, and chips. 286 lessons The wordscappedandzippedare both classified as simple past tense verbs, but because the phrasewere closingis a past progressive, the example cannot be defined as a parallel structure. If you determined that the consistent verb tenses created the parallel structure, you are correct! The grammar error becomes clear when you make a bullet-point list of each item following the part of the sentence that each item is meant to complete: The computers ability to usability improved is a grammatically incorrect sentence because all words following the phrase the computers ability must be verbs, but usability is a noun. This helps writers clearly communicate ideas and makes the writing sound formal and elegant. Parallel structure, or parallelism, means using the same pattern of words to show that two or more words or ideas are of equal importance. This can happen at the word, phrase, or clause level. Many people like riding, hiking, biking, and swimming. You might be interested incompound sentence usage and examples. Maintaining parallelism helps writers avoid grammatically incorrect sentences. You might be interested in. Use parallel structure with elements in a series or list. 3. Consistency is the key, and your readers will be thankful for the ease in which they will be able to absorb and understand your writing. Or, maybe were following these cues unknowingly and we can do a better job being consistent and purposeful as we use these techniques. Not Parallel: You may also seeparallel sentences. Why was Chiang Kai-shek's strategy of enlisting Confucian values as a way to spread Western ideals a failure? The use of different verb tenses, a difference in noun numbers, mismatched parts of speech, and an imbalance of clauses to words all created confusion in these sentences. As you may have noticed, using a parallel structure builds a unique rhythm between the lines which offers an enjoyable time and experience for readers to absorb and understand ideas, concepts, and facts in a different way. For example, the first sentence below illustrates a lack of parallelism with one list item, "racial," being an adjective and the rest nouns. Amanda Renaud has taught Middle School and High School English for 4 years. Britt is also the author of four novels and she is the host ofLove Your Enthusiasm, a podcastthat inspires people to follow their greatest passion. Often, matching verb tenses, nouns, and conjunctions will lead you to a more parallel construction. See why parallel structure is a useful technique. Joseph bought a pair of shoes. All Rights Reserved. The best way to complete an essay is to research a topic thoroughly, writing clearly, edit properly, and proof-reading when finished. A man with no hat, and with broken shoes, and with an old rag tied round his head. Parallel structure helps writers organize and clarify their thoughts. Also important is whats happening on the surface the words on the page. Can you identify a repetition of sounds or phrases? For example, is there a series of "-ing" words beginning each item? Though the way these sentences are structured never really mattered during our early years at school, as we grew older, we came to learn just how important it is to construct proper sentences for better communication. A parallel structure can be used in a variety of ways. Examples of parallel structure Parallel structure is a fairly advanced grammar concept. Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. Parallel: Being Graces friend means being constantly alert. If a parallel structure begins with a phrase or clause, check for continuity. Correlative conjunctions (not only but also, either or, neither nor, if then) Our content team not only excels at content creation, but also at content distribution. They not only give a balance, but also a grace to the passage by enhancing its readability.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'literarydevices_net-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',125,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-literarydevices_net-medrectangle-4-0'); Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider.. She is certified to teach English and Humanities in Washington and Texas. Parallel structure is also used with correlative conjunctions, such as either or, neither nor, not only but also. 23 terms. The salesman expected that he would present his product at the meeting, that he would have time to show his slide presentation, and that questions would be asked by prospective buyers. Northern Michigan University, located in Marquette, MI, is a dynamic four-year, public, comprehensive university. Parallel: My dog neither likes to play fetch nor likes to chase cars. There are two reasons it is important to maintain parallelism in a series: Sentences that maintain parallelism are much easier to read and process than those that do not. While reading aloud, do you hear the same kinds of sounds? Or a "to". In this slight variation of the list, numbers 1, 3, and 5 were changed to do (yes) statements, while numbers 2, 4, and 6 stayed as dont (no) statements. Yes. 2. Use parallel structure with elements that are joined by a linking verb. Theres something about messing up parallel structure that really messes with the readers head youre welcome. Whenever you make a list of items or actions in a sentence, using equal grammatical units is crucial. Bouncing around with positive and negative statements. From SEO to marketing copy, focusing more energy on parallelism is a smart move. It also makes it easier for us to determine the relationship shared between each word, phrase, or clause used in the given sentence. But, incorporating parallelism also supports consistency, reinforcement, scannability, comprehension, and SEO. Parallel: I enjoy neither playing video games nor exercising. They argued not only about the article, but. On Saturdays they may visit the open-air market, the docks, or the park. The Utricle and Saccule also play a role in detecting gravitational forces and movement in the horizontal and vertical plane, like jumping . Listen for the repetition of sounds or phrases and look for conjunctions. You may also see balanced sentences. If the first item stated in the list is a noun, the following items should also consist of nouns; if the first action is a simple past tense verb, then the succeeding actions must be in the simple past tense form of the verb as well. Adjective Clause Overview & Examples | What is an Adjective Clause? You may also see. Dalia has featured articles on Forbes, Inc, Fast Company, Grammarly, and many more. YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE. 20 chapters | Your submission has been received! To create parallel structure in writing, writers must make each idea in the sentence follow the same grammatical pattern and form. What is parallel structure? You may also like. The dictionary can be used to find these: word meanings, pronunciations, correct spellings, and irregular verbs. Parallel structure means using the same pattern of words to show the two or more ideas have the same level of importance. These structures are repetitions that offer an enjoyable time for the readers to absorb and understand ideas, facts, and concepts. The wheels wheeled, the chairs spun, the cotton candy tinted the faces of children, the bright leaves tinted the woods and hills. It also lends consistency to professional writing, as it providesrhythm and balance that lead the readers to the exact idea, without any misguidance. Surfing, skateboarding and require good balance. parallel structure repetition of a pattern of words or phrases within a sentence or passage to signify that two or more events or ideas have the same level of importance; helps the writer organize and clarify their thoughts. This can happen at the word, phrase, or clause level. Correlative conjunctions also join parallel elements in a sentence. The problematic areas are italicized below. Repeating patterns with related items and ideas. - Contact Us - Privacy Policy - Terms and Conditions, Definition and Examples of Literary Terms. You may also seecumulative sentence examples. To create a parallel structure or parallelism, use the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas (words, phrases, or clauses) have the same importance. Coordinating conjunctions joinparallel elementsin a sentence. For the ends of being and ideal grace. I am learning baking, typing, and how to crochet at school. You may also seefused sentence examples and corrections. Parallel structure turns messaging into clear patterns. It keeps your writing balanced and makes it easier to read. She covers English, ESL, and all things grammar on GrammarBrain. Parallel: I like to paint, jog, cook, and watch movies. Parallel structure helps keep your writing balanced and makes it easier to understand. Skim your paper, pausing at the words "and" and "or." It was Sally Baldwin who brought me along, told me what to wear and do and think and say. Thats because parallel structures often come to us naturally when we communicate with others. Use parallel structures to connect to phrases or clauses with a correlative conjunction such as eitheror, not onlybut also, ifthen, neither thisnor. Our nervous system evolved under evolutionary pressure and our hunter - gatherer ancestors will have honed their senses in life or death situations. ', 'Daniel spent his Sunday afternoons cooking chili, watching football, and napping. The managerwanted to make sure that Jane made her marketing presentation creatively, effectively, and persuasively. academic programs, we invite you to start your story at a school that can offer you the In Coming to Our Senses, cognitive scientist Viki McCabe argues that prevailing theories of perception, cognition, and information cannot explain how we know the world around us.Using scientific studies and true stories, McCabe shows that the ecological disasters, political paralysis, and economic failures we now face originate in our tendency to privilege cognitive processes and products over . The same patterns and parts of speech will be repeated to show that two or more ideas within the sentence have the same level of importance. Your verb tenses should always match. Exercise Group 2: Parallel Structure. She was intelligent, engaging, and a good speaker. Use parallel structure to connect two phrases or clauses with a word of comparison like than or as. Talk with one of our content experts about our hand-vetted expert content writers & designers who can help you scale your content marketing efforts quickly. Also know as parallelism, using parallel structure creates a common grammatical pattern throughout a sentence. Welcome. You might be interested inbridge sentences types and examples.Parallel:Not only did Mrs.Carter give the class a smolderinglook, but shealso assigned 50extra pages of homework as punishment for everyone who failed to pass their assignments on time. 11 terms. 'If you can't fly, then run. You may also check outcomplete and incomplete sentences examples. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. This website collects and publishes the ideas of individuals who have contributed those ideas in their capacities as faculty-mentored student scholars. People expect the ease of patterns when they read #content. Changing to another pattern or changing the voice of the verb (from active to passive or vice versa) will break the parallelism. Determine if the example uses parallel structure correctly; if not, correct the example. Students also viewed. If you can't walk, then crawl. Faulty Parallelism Structure & Examples | What is Faulty Parallelism? I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. Sure, your writing is better when you use parallel structure. Parallel: David liked diving better than swimming. Even when a colon isn't used to introduce a list, parallel construction is important. Rishhmaa. Copyright 2022 GrammarBrain All rights reserved . If not, make them parallel. Instead of a serious tone, Tyson uses humorous language, unconventional images, and references to everyday life to make his points about science and our senses in an entertaining way. Parallel structure brings more power and precision to your content. Sentences are made up of words and phrases thathelp convey a given thought. According to studies, abused children typically showone or more of the following symptoms: rebelliousness, restlessness, withdrawal, and depression. As content marketers, we are forever looking for ways to reinforce our messaging so that the message actually sticks. 1. With clear writing, youre giving your audience an unobstructed path to engage with your content. Lets take a deeper look into how parallel structures are formed: This happens when you connect two or more clauses or phrases with the coordinating conjunctionsfor, and, nor, but, or, yet, or so.. Privacy Policy. Make sure your worksheet includes: A brief explanation of parallel structure for guidance. Lists after a colon or bulleted lists Be sure to keep all the elements in a list in the same form.Not Parallel: The dictionary can be used for these purposes: to find word meanings, pronunciations, correct spellings, and looking up irregular verbs.Parallel: The dictionary can be used for these purposes: to find word meanings, pronunciations, correct spellings, and irregular verbs. 34 terms. Parallel Structure Definition. To further expand your knowledge about parallel structure in writing, review these examples of parallelism in literature and rhetoric. Think about how important visual scanning is for your audience the moment they land on a blog or website page. For the following key term or person, write a sentence explaining its significance to U.S. foreign policy between 1890 and 1920: protectorate. A change in verb tense, noun number, and part of speech used can cause a lack of parallel structure. Words and phrases within a sentence should not only match in structure, but also in tense. Using a parallel structure can help add clout and clarity to ones writing in the best way possible. Ritas chores include dusting, taking out the trash, and feeding the dog. The teacher said that he was a poor student because he waited until the last minute to study for the exam, completed his lab problems in a careless manner, and his motivation was low. noun, verb, noun, noun or verb, verb, participle). Breaking patterns (i.e. Parallel: My professor told me that I needed to write a paper by Friday, study for my quiz on Tuesday, and do my homework. ). Also know as parallelism, using parallel structure creates a common grammatical pattern throughout a sentence. Parallel structure should be used when writing clauses. Jo went to the gym and used the exercise bike. If a lack of parallel structure exists, you will need to exchange the item that does not match the others. 1. Parallel: Participants in the workshop learned about negotiating, communicating, and working collaboratively. A gerund is a verb ending in -ing. Parallel: 2022 NMU Board of Trustees. To achieve parallel structure, verb forms should not be mixed within a sentence. View accessible formats for documents on this page. Be sure to add a period where required or the sentence will be marked as incorrect. Literary Terms for 11th Grade: Help and Review, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Amanda Palmer, Angela Morris, Maria Airth, How to Write an Effective Parallel Structure, 11th Grade Literary Terms, Theory, and Analysis: Help and Review, Anglo Saxon and Medieval Literature - 11th Grade: Help and Review, Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature - 11th Grade: Help and Review, Gothic and Romantic Literature - 11th Grade: Help and Review, 19th Century Literature - 11th Grade: Help and Review, 20th Century Literature - 11th Grade: Help and Review, African American Writers - 11th Grade: Help and Review, 11th Grade Contemporary Literature: Help and Review, Interpreting Literature for 11th Grade: Help and Review, Listening and Viewing in 11th Grade: Help and Review, What is a Metaphor? If you have several items in a list, put them in a column to see if they are parallel. Content creators are masters of all things messaging, but sometimes we forget to follow important grammatical cues. A mismatch in parts of speech can also cause a lack of parallel structure. Correct Examples The words that indicate parallel construction are marked in bold. If the first item stated in the list is a noun, the following items should also consist of nouns; if the first action is a simple past tense verb, then the succeeding actions must be in the simple past tense form of the verb as well. The bold words in these examples are all past tense, which means they are examples of parallel construction. Respective owners Us - Privacy Policy - Terms and conditions, Definition and examples parallelism! Versa ) will break the parallelism lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams was Sally Baldwin who me. No hat, and part of speech used can cause a lack of structure! And '' and `` or. the shift from a gerund to an infinitive verb form 's strategy of Confucian! 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